​​​​​​​Facadism is the principle or practice of preserving the fronts of buildings that have elegant architectural designs; the construction of a modern building behind its old or original front.  Old Billingsgate is a private event space converted from an old fish market.  Once a cultural hub full of merchants and locals, On Display alludes to better time by reopening 25% of the lost program space by bleeding onto the pier.  This is a critique on facadism as our project detaches and the only important part of the front façade from the rest of the building.  We reposition it above the Thames River as a billboard, showcasing the French Victorian ornaments to the greater public.  The project addresses rising sea levels due to climate change by shifting it vertically, protecting and preserving the facade and creating a newfound space between its original location and the newly proposed one.  
Abroad Semester  |  London, UK  |  Fall 2022

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